This is where I tell the truth. This is where you can know the real me. Really KNOW. Don't judge me. Don't tell me to stop swearing and be more politically correct or more gentle or whatever. What you see is what you get. You have been warned.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fuck Love... What's The Point of It?

Another day of deep thought...
I really do that too much. I think WAY more than I should, and someday I am sure I will be the one to do myself in.
Love in general has just become less and less real to me. To the point where I have begun trying to become asexual. It's just... Easier. And eliminates a hell of a lot of stress. I just can no longer wait around, sacrificing the last of my sanity and my will to live on something that, in the end, won't even exist. Love in that degree (that is, a romantic one)is meaningless. Just a way to make life on this pathetic spinning ball of dirt and rock more "pleasant", when in reality it just gets you hurt and fucked.


  1. Interesting thoughts...I've definitely felt the same things and even voiced it aloud in a similar fashion. If you read, a book that really helped me a lot was the book "Sex God" by Rob Bell. It helped me realize that there is more to love and sexuality than sex and "romance."

  2. Haha, when someone recommends a book to me, chances are, I am going to read it. I love to read.
